The Internet Amuses Me

There are several things on the internet that are funny. Because the internet allows anyone from all over the world to share things, the amount of funny things we can see is endless.

Funny Ideas

There are many funny ideas on pinterest that people post in order to make others laugh. There is at least one thing that can make anyone laugh with 900 plus Best Funny Ideas.

900+ Best Funny Ideas on Pinterest

80 Hilariously Funny Jokes

This webpage has many jokes that you can tell family and friends.They are all one-liners making them a quick and easy read.

80 Hilariously Funny Jokes to Make Your Friends and Family Laugh

Corny Jokes

There are many jokes that people have made though some may be considered corny, I still find them quite amusing.

85 Corny Jokes Everyone Will Laugh at to Celebrate National Tell a Joke Day